Thursday, December 15, 2005

Test Update

I was feeling very sick yesterday, but right before I started my test my head cleared. I’m quite certain it was because so many of you were praying. Thank you!!! I think I did all right on my final. I know I didn’t come close to acing it, but I’m sure I’ll pass.

Haha, my carpool friend and I headed to the cafeteria to eat dinner right before class. Well, they have new winter hours and close at 1:30 in the afternoon. Okaaayyy. So we went for the vending machine. Thankfully they have one of those cooler ones with sandwiches and stuff in them. So I pushed the button to turn the shelves around so that the yogurt I wanted was in front, put in my money, opened the window, and took my yogurt. I was looking around for a spoon when my friend pointed out the fact that there was a spoon in the now relocked shelf by where my yogurt was.

Well, there was no way I was going to pay another 85 cents for a plastic spoon, so I reached through the grated gate on one of the shops and managed to get a straw. I just hope the security cameras caught the fact that it was only a straw I stole… Anyway, by tipping the yogurt up and sort of encouraging the yogurt into my mouth (and all over my face) with the straw, I was able to get most of it out of the container and go into my test with something in my stomach anyway. But next time I think I’ll just look for the spoon...

1 comment:

purple_kangaroo said...

LOL, that's so funny, Amy. I'm glad your test went better.